Print Planetary Display Logbook is Ready


PDLinterior actualThe print version of the Planetary Display Logbook is good to go. We’ve approved printing, so you can check it out and order from at DriveThruRPG. Next step will be testing one of these with different media to see how it bleeds through.  This is a US printing, and there may be differences with production elsewhere, based on the stock it’s printed on (as with any print-on-demand product).

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Logbook, it is an inexpensive, blank book formatted for mapping the surface of a sphere as a series of hexagons and pentagons (like a soccer ball).  Unlike many other mappings, this has latitude and longitude that coordinate with the shapes of the individual facets.

If you’re ordering things from DriveThruRPG, you can easily toss one of these in with your order.  The print book is less expensive than the PDF version, since it’s a one-shot use, rather than print all you need with the PDF.  If you want multiple copies of the book, for example to use in a space-faring campaign, we intend to have a multiple copies discount.  How many copies would be an ideal size to order, in your opinion?

The background grid lines are too light (see photo).  That’s not necessarily a bad thing, since they are supposed to be there just to knock down the white space a bit.  They are less present, so will be less usable for organizing added information.  But there’s space there for added info; that’s not a problem.  I’ll work on that when we do revisions.  Also, if it was possible to get a stapled version rather than the perfect bound one, I would prefer that.  But we don’t seem to have that as an option.

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